Dear Families of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School,
As we begin the month of May, we are excited to celebrate and honor our Mother Mary. Attached to this email are a variety of activities and videos for all age ranges. This is an opportunity for our students and families to learn more about our Mother - the Mother of our Lord and the Mother He gave us on the Cross. I encourage you to take some time today to pray-fully complete some of the activities or watch a video or two with your children. Additionally, we are excited to keep this day interactive. Mr. Nestor Cayanan, our Religion Coordinator, will be live-streaming for us again similar to what we did on Holy Thursday. Mr. Cayanan will lead both a live digital Bingo game (with prizes!) and will lead us in praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. We hope that you will join our school in those activities. Please carefully read the instructions and follow the links below for all the information needed to fully participate. Finally, know that I am praying for you and your family as you come towards the end of the school year. I pray that we may echo Mary’s fiat, Mary’s yes, to the plans God has for us. Mary, Mother of God - pray for us!
Links to Live Interactive Activities
Link to BINGO livestream on May 8th at 10am -
Link to Rosary livestream on May 8th at 2pm - Videos
Follow these steps to watch videos on…
Mary, Queen Mother -
Mary of Nazareth -
Youtube Video Playlist (includes all the videos below in one playlist) -
Why We Should Love the Virgin Mary: Pope Francis Minute -
Story of Saint Mary -
Brother Francis and the Rosary Playlist -
The Meaning of the Magnificat -
The Meaning of the Hail Mary -
The Meaning of “Rosary and Rosary Beads” -
The Meaning of the Immaculate Conception and The Immaculate Conception Explained - &
Arts and Crafts
Miraculous Medal Craft -
Assumption of Mary Craft -