Volunteers who have frequent (more than 1 volunteer school event per academic year), ongoing (requires frequent contact with children), or recurring (1 school event or more in successive academ-ic years) contact with students are required to complete the VIRTUS, Protecting God’s Children adult workshop. Examples include coach-es, tutors, library or classroom assistants, field trip chaperones, room parents, office assistants, etc. Volunteers wanting to serve in these capacities or others identified by the school must complete the VIRTUS training program, agree to an Archdiocesan back-ground check including criminal history, and sign the Archdiocesan Volunteer’s Code of Conduct. To maintain VIRTUS certification, vol-unteers must attend the Keeping the Promise Alive refresher work-shop within 12 months after reaching their 5th year Protecting God’s Children anniversary date.
To register for a workshop go to You must register online; walk-ins are not accepted. The VIRTUS system will not allow you to register for a Keeping the Promise Alive workshop until the day after your 5th year anniversary date. Registration must be under the same user name and password used to register for Protecting God’s Children. Questions about retrieving Protecting God’s Children user name and password, Protecting God’s Children 5th your anniversary date or anything related to VIRTUS can be di-rected to Cathy Russell at [email protected]. Please put VIR-TUS in the subject line. Listed below are Protecting God’s Children and Keeping the Promise Alive workshops in our area however you can attend workshops anywhere in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
Local Keeping the Promise Alive Workshops
Saturday, August 29 10:00am St. Edward Church
Thursday, September 17 7:00pm St. Anthony of Padua
Tuesday, September 29 7:00pm Sts. Simon & Jude
Saturday, October 10 9:00am St. Anthony of Padua
Tuesday, November 17 7:00pm Sts. Simon & Jude
Local Protecting God’s Children Workshops
Saturday, September 12 2:00pm St. Anthony of Padua
Tuesday, September 15 6:30pm Sts. Simon & Jude
Saturday, October 3 9:00am St. Anthony of Padua
Saturday, October 17 9:30am Sts. Simon & Jude