Deadline Friday, January 24, 2025. The SAOPCS Spring Sports season is just around the corner. It is time to find out who is willing to make the commitment to St Anthony’s Baseball, Softball or Track programs. Please be reminded that participating on a SAOPCS athletic team involves a commitment by athletes - to the team, coaches, and teammates. Athletes are expected to attend ALL SAOPCS practices and games/meets. Each student-athlete must maintain the required academic and conduct levels as stated per the SAOPCS Athletic Handbook attached.
*SAOPCS needs to know how many student-athletes ASAP that are interested in participating in:
Boys Baseball – (6th, 7th & 8th):
Practices will begin the week of February 10th. Games are scheduled to begin late February.
Some practices may be off campus at a nearby park.
Please note that if the number of baseball players exceeds a certain amount, there is a possibility of conducting try-outs to evaluate players with the purpose of selecting a team.
Please Note: players are responsible for supplying their own gear (baseball glove, batting helmet, cleats, and white game pants).
*** If you are planning to purchase a bat for your player – Please wait for the bat regulations to come out from the GHCAA and speak with your coach on the size (weight & length) before purchasing.
St Anthony will supply each player with a baseball cap and game jersey.
Girls Fast Pitch Softball -(5th thru 8th):
Practice will begin the week of February 10th. Games are scheduled to begin late February.
Some practices may be off campus at a nearby park.
Please Note: players are responsible for supplying their own gear (softball glove, batting helmet, cleats, and gray game pants).
*** If you are planning to purchase a bat for your player – Please wait for the bat regulations to come out from the GHCAA and speak with your coach on the size (weight & length) before purchasing.
St Anthony will supply each player with a softball visor and game jersey.
Boys & Girls Track - (5th thru 8th):
The Track team will practice at TWHS Ninth grade campus track facility (M, Tu & Th 4:00-5:30)
(10010 Branch Crossing Dr, Spring, TX 77382).
Practices will begin the week of February 17th.
First Meet will be scheduled for late Feb. – TBA.
GHCAA Track Meets are normally held on Saturdays at a Houston ISD track - TBA.
All track athletes are responsible for transportation to TW 9th grade campus for practices and meets.
Track athletes must provide proper workout gear - sweats, running shoes, spandex shirts/shorts/pants (all spandex MUST be White, Gray or Navy) for practices and meets.
SAOPCS will provide meet tops & shorts.
STAOPCS would like to field a Varsity team for Baseball & Softball and a JV and Varsity team for Track. Parents, it is important for you and your student-athlete to review the SAOPCS Athletic Handbook and decide if it is something that you can choose to commit to. DEADLINE - Friday 1/24/25. At that time, we can see where we are number wise and determine if try-outs are needed and how many teams SAOPCS will have.
All players MUST have a current Physical Exam on file BEFORE they will be allowed to participate. Also, there is a $150.00 athletics fee per athlete. All athletic fees will be charged to your FACTS account.
*Please complete the online form.
DEADLINE: Friday 1/24/25. Forms will NOT be accepted after Friday 1/24/25.